On the 3th of July 2020, The Knowledge-Intensive Development Association and the Ministry of Economy signed a contract, No.BG16RFOP002-1.016-0006-C01, for the implementation of the project “Creation of a laboratory center for the collection and maintenance of global databases – LCD”.
The main objective of the project is to increase the innovation activity of the association and create conditions for its sustainable development by supporting the provision of resources, internationalization and development of shared infrastructure for common innovation cluster activities.
The total worth of the project amounts to BGN 350 042.00, of which BGN 250 693.30 are a grant. The funds will be used to implement hardware and software infrastructure, staff for innovative activities and participation in international conferences, trainings, fairs and other events.
The planned activities include providing resources for the activity and enhancing the capacity of the cluster’s innovative staff; exchange of good practices; establishment and promotion of transnational cooperation and internationalization connections (Component 1) and acquisition of tangible and intangible assets for the development of shared cluster infrastructure – Component 2. Their realization is expected to lead to the achievement of a couple of specific objectives of the project and the following results:
• New shared cluster infrastructure created – Global Data Collection Center
• Provided resource capacity for cluster innovation activity – appointed innovative and research staff;
• Increased capacity of the cluster and its members through participation in seminars, conferences and other events to share experience and good practices
• Strengthened ties and cooperation between cluster members and external partners;
• Facilitated access to cluster members’ technologies, resources and expertise.
The project will be completed within 14 months.
Project „Creation of a laboratory center for the collection and maintenance of global databases – LCD“, contract № BG16RFOP002-1.016-0006-C01 of for Knowledge-Intensive Development Association, funded by the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund.