On 01.11.2017 Cluster “Knowledge-Intensive Development Association” signed a Grant Contract under BG16RFOP002-2.009 “Cluster Development in Bulgaria” part of the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness” with the Managing Authority Ministry of Economy of Bulgaria.
Under this contract, the cluster will implement Project BG16RFOP002-2.009-0026-C01 “Sustainable Development of a Cluster of Knowledge-Intensive Development”.
With the financial support of the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020, through the European Union and national funding, the cluster will implement a project aimed at creating cluster administrative body and increase its capacity, incl. through the participation in conferences and trainings, development of new products and services, internationalization and cluster promotion.
The objective of increasing the competitiveness of the cluster and its members will be achieved through the implementation of a number of activities, including:
- Creating a Cluster Administrative Body;
- Participation in national and international conferences, trainings, fairs and other events;
- Organizing and conducting own event to present the products and services of the cluster and its members;
- Working with higher education representatives to develop a quality workforce for the knowledge-intensive services sector.
The project will be implemented within 18 months.